Short Communication Satellite 2022: Behind The Webpages

This is a set of notes in diary form for myself and future interested parties: anyone interested in a similar effort might benefit (or shrink away) from these notes.

March 30: I got up my nerve and pushed the “Publish” button this morning. After 30+ emails with the Satellite Coordination Group moderators and some initial feedback from the survey, the Call for short communications has a web presence. It took less than two days to build and tweak the website, and it will have to be further tweaked and perhaps moved, but for the next few weeks we have the chance to receive responses by email. Next week we will set up a registration form. Since I signed up for the SC Google Group on March 11, I have put in somewhere between 30 to 60 hours planning and writing for the SCS and 0 to 2 hours doing mathematics. (I almost forgot: . Silly me.)

April 5: I have published the new registration form and made some tweaks to the site. It is easy to spend hours making tiny changes. I did manage to spend a couple hours the last few days think about mathematics, and less than ten hours sitting at a laptop. I hope to bring the ratio of math:satellite closer to 1:1 . I have planned the next update for five days from today.

April 15: After much tweaking, I have got some examples for slides up. I also have a policy document under review, and have been dealing with correspondence. Answering letters takes less than an hour each day. The last three days were a big push of six plus hours each day writing and editing. I managed to reschedule updates so that I get time to put out reasonable quality web pages, documentation, and examples. I am still doing some architecture for the later stages of the satellite. I think I have put in forty hours spread over seven of the last ten days. I hope to get poster styles up soon.

Replies are reviewed by me before display